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fmSQL Synch (v2.0)

Garrison Computer Services
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Products >> fmSQL Synch >> Documentation >> Configuration >>


After using the Setup Assistant, you can make further changes manually by editing configurations listed in "Configs" tab of "fmSQL Synch.fp7". Select a configuration in the list and click the 'Edit' button.

Each record (or synch config) in the fmSQL Synch.fp7 file corresponds to one FileMaker table and one SQL table that are to be synched with each other. Here is a brief explanation of the configuration options:

Config Name name for the config, can be anything you like
Abbreviation short title for this config, should not contain any spaces or other word separator characters; it's used to establish relationships with MergeConflicts and DeleteLog files
Sort sort value, used to control the order configs are processed during the synch run
Actions each synch config can have any of 6 possible actions; 3 for FileMaker and 3 for SQL. The actions are: Update, Insert, Delete
Config Groups controls which synch configs will be used during synching process
Log Actions controls which log files will be written to during synching process
FM Database name of the FileMaker database being synched
DB Location path (folder) or host name of the FileMaker database being synched
Location Type set to 'Path' or 'Host' depending on whether FM database is local or opened via FileMaker Server
FM Account account name to open FileMaker database
FM Password password to open FileMaker database
FM Table name of FM table being synched
FM Date Format specifies either US or international date formats when updating dates in FileMaker during synching process
SQL Connection specifies which SQL Connection to use
SQL Table name of SQL table being synched
Min Difference minimum number of seconds difference between LastMod and LastSynch in order for record to be included in synch run


Field Setup

These are the fields for FileMaker and SQL that should be synched with each other. The "Get Fields" button will set fields for the "FM Fields" option, using the fields from "SQL->FM (update)" layout of the database specified in "FM Database" option.

IMPORTANT, the first field in both the FileMaker and SQL lists should be the primary key.

FM Fields list of FileMaker fields to be used in synching process; should match (exactly) the fields from the "SQL->FM (update)" layout
SQL Fields used to create the field lists for the "statement" options (see below)
Field Types used for the "create table" statement
Diff Check indicates whether each of the fields in "FM Fields" is to be compared to value in SQL field when doing conflict checking
Clean Type the type of cleaning to be done to each field, eg. zero dates (0000-00-00) from SQL converted to blank (empty) values before updating FileMaker


SQL Statements

Theses options hold the SQL statements used for querying and updating the SQL database. Placeholders (#01#, #02#) will be replaced with field values from FileMaker during the synching process. The "Create SQL Statements" button will generate statements for each of the following options, using the contents of the "SQL Fields" and "SQL Field Types" options.

Select return records modified since last synch, used to update FileMaker records; first field should be the primary key
Update update record with values from FileMaker
Insert insert record if update statement fails due to "key does not exist"
Rec Exists check whether record exists for given key
Delete delete record in SQL table for given key (key obtained from DeleteLog.fp7)
Select for Delete return records from delete_log, used to delete FileMaker records with corresponding keys
Update for Delete updates the delete_log after successful deletion of FileMaker record
Set LastSynch updates the last_synch value for records in the SQL database
Create Table used to create tables based on "SQL Fields" and "SQL Field Types"


Each of the above options for SQL Statements (except Select & Create Table) also has a corresponding Param Count option. The "Param Count" should match the number of placeholders in each SQL statement.

Param Count the number of placeholders in each SQL statement


Note: The SQL Plugin returns records from a SELECT query in a pipe (|) delimited string by default. If any of the fields being synchronised from SQL to FileMaker contain pipe characters, you will need to change the "Field Separator" in the SQL Connection.


Database Connection

The database connection and login details can be different for each synch config. Using different SQL Connections allows each FileMaker table to synch to a different SQL database.

JDBC Driver name/class of the JDBC driver for your database; default value for mySQL is "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" (or "org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver" if using version 2.0.14 if the driver)
JDBC URL first part of the JDBC connection URL; default value for mySQL is "jdbc:mysql://"
Hostname database/server hostname for the connection; default is localhost
Database name of the database for the connection
User Name name of user for connecting to the SQL database
Password password for connection to the SQL database

The "JDBC Driver", "JDBC URL" and "Hostname/Database" options all have direct counterparts in the SQL Plugin functions. Use the "test" (X) button next to each to check whether you have entered valid values. Click the "Connect" button to test whether you can connect to your SQL database using the current options. Check the "DB Status" text box after each test to see if the SQL Connection works.